Plans and goals of the unit of research in education

  • Attempting to promote and extend the culture of research among faculty members and students
  • Conducting needs analysis and determining research priorities in education
  • Improving theapproval process of ‘research in education’ proposals, analyzing the final reports of the studies conducted on education, implementing ‘research in education’ projects,and reportingthe activities of the center on the university’s website
  • Investigating and approving research in education projects
  • Adopting policies to improve and facilitate the approval process of the research projects on educational matters submitted to the center
  • Defining and developing incentive plans to support the students and faculty members working on research in education projects
  • Preparing and implementing plans with the purpose of attracting researchers to do research according to the priorities of the institute
  • Directing and supporting thesis projects whose topics are related to the problems of medical education and attempting to encourage postgraduate students to work on medical education and the issues and problems related to this area
  • Helping faculty members to increase theirknowledge and skills in the area of education


Last Update At : 28 March 2020